Regional Economic Metrics
Industry Clusters
Occupational Composition
Regional Maps
Industry Clusters
Industry Clusters
Industry clusters
are a geographic concentration of inter-connected companies and institutions that share technologies, supply chains, service and/or customers. They are not meant to represent the entire regional economy, but instead highlight opportunities for business creation and expansion as well as increased regional wealth and employment. For more information on North County's industry clusters, please see the most recent version of North County Prospects.
Biotechnology & Life Sciences
is a particularly important cluster for North County accounting for the research, development and production of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals.
Building & Design
involves the design and building of residential and non-residential building and the interior design of buildings. This industry is actively involved in energy efficiency, building retrofits, and the use of sustainable building materials.
Clean Technology
consists of industries involved in the research and production of non-fossil fuel based energy and industries that work to improve environmental sustainably and meet environmental regulations. This industry cluster includes environmental consulting services and related manufacturing and consulting services.
Connected Tourism & Agriculture
is one of the larger industry clusters in North County with over 60,000 jobs. The industry cluster is a mix of agriculture, food production and service industries that draw tourists into the region. The cluster includes breweries, amusement services, gambling, and recreation industries.
is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. Healthcare is delivered by a wide range of practitioners in medicine, chiropractic, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, etc. This industry cluster includes ambulatory care services, hospitals, and residential care facilities.
Information & Communications Technology (ICT)
is a diverse group of technology industries that focus on the development and production of new products & services in telecommunications and information technology. Some of the sectors include telecommunications carriers, software publishers, cyber security developers, and computer and electronic product manufacturing.
Sports & Active Lifestyle
includes those firms that develop and manufacture sports and related equipment and apparel, as well as those firms that sell and distribute related sports and recreational products and services.
Industry Cluster 2010 - 2014
Employment by Industry Clusters
Average Employee Output
by Industry Cluster