BW Research
City of Carlsbad Report
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Overall, 96.1 percent of Carlsbad residents have visited Carlsbad’s Downtown Village. The majority of residents regularly visited (55.5%), 24.1 percent sometimes visited (once a month or more), and 16.5 percent seldom visited the Village (16.5%).

Figure 31 - Frequency Visiting Carlsbad’s Downtown Village
Figure 31 - Frequency Visiting Carlsbad’s Downtown Village

Below is a sub-group analysis of residents who regularly visited the Carlsbad Village.
  • Residents who have lived in the City for 15 years or more were more likely to regularly visit the Village as compared to those who have lived in the City less than 15 years.
  • Residents with a job or business located in Carlsbad were more likely to regularly visit the Village than those with a job outside the City or those currently unemployed or retired.
  • Residents without children were more likely than those with children to regularly visit the Village.
  • Residents living in zip codes 92008 or 92010 were more likely than those in 92009 or 92011 to regularly visit.
  • Hispanic or Latino(a) residents were more likely to report regularly visiting the Village than residents who identified themselves as another ethnic group.
  • A higher proportion of residents in the 18 to 24 year age group reported regularly visiting the Village compared to residents in other age groups.
  • A higher percentage of renters reported regularly visiting the Village than homeowners.

Among residents who have visited Carlsbad’s Downtown Village, 87.0 rated their experience positively, with 43.4 percent rating it as “Excellent” and 43.6 percent rating it as “Good.”

Figure 32 - Experience Visiting Carlsbad Village
Figure 32 - Experience Visiting Carlsbad Village

  • Female residents were more likely to rate their experience as “Excellent” or “Good,” whereas male residents were more likely to rate it as “Good.”
  • Residents in the 18 to 24 year group provided the most positive ratings for their Village experience.
  • Compared to other ethnic groups, Hispanic or Latino(a) residents rated their Village experience the most favorably.
  • Residents of zip code 92009 were more likely to provide a “Fair” rating compared to residents in the other three zip codes that were more likely to rate their experience as “Excellent” or “Good.”
  • There were no notable differences in residents’ experience visiting the Village by length of residence, homeownership status, children in the household, or employment status.

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