BW Research
City of Carlsbad Report
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Number One Way to Increase Quality of Life

As a follow-up question, the 29.0 percent of residents (290 respondents) who either felt that the quality of life in the City was getting worse or who were dissatisfied with the job the City is doing to provide services were asked to report the number one thing that the City could do to improve the quality of life.

Overwhelmingly, the majority (51.7%) of the 290 respondents felt that the quality of life in Carlsbad would be improved if the City stopped building and halted growth. Examples of responses in this category include; “They need to regulate the growth,” “There are too many new homes,” “There is too much development. When I moved in there was lots of open area, and it's all filled in now,” “The City of Carlsbad should improve the out-of-control population. The traffic has gotten worse because of it,” and “Cut back on some of the high density; I moved here for a small community,” and “They need to stop building

Figure 6: Number One Way to Increase Quality of Life Figure 6: Number One Way to Increase Quality of Life
Residents who have lived in Carlsbad for five years or more (and were either dissatisfied or felt the quality of life was getting worse) were much more likely than newer residents to feel that the City should stop building and growth. Although the percentage was high among all residents who have lived in Carlsbad for five years or more, it was highest among those who have lived in the City for 15 years or more.

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