Household Use of City Library Facilities |
Overall, 84.7 percent of households have visited one of the Carlsbad City Library facilities in the past 12 months. In addition, close to the majority (49.6%) visited at least once a month (“Once per week or more”: 17.6%, “Once or twice per month”: 32.9%).
Figure 16 - Household Frequency Visiting City Library Facilities
- Residents who have lived in Carlsbad less than five years were the less likely to have visited one of the libraries than residents who have lived in the City longer.
- Households with children were more likely to have visited a City Library facility in the past year, as well as be regular users, than households without children. In addition, library use increased as the number of children in the household increased.
- Most likely related to children in the household, residents in the 35 to 44 year age category were the most likely to have visited a library facility (92.5%), whereas residents in the 18 to 24 year category were the least likely (66.0%).
- Compared to residents in other zip codes, a lower proportion of residents in 92008 had visited a Carlsbad Library facility in the past year.
- A higher proportion of Asian residents (98.3%) lived in a household that had visited a library facility in the past year compared to respondents with other ethnic backgrounds.
- There were no statistically significant differences in library use by homeownership status, gender, employment status, or sense of community.