BW Research
City of Carlsbad Report
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The majority of residents, 59.7 percent, have seen or heard information in the past year about how residents can prevent the pollution of local creeks, lagoons, and the ocean.

Figure 24 - Seen or Heard Information Regarding Preventing Water Pollution
Figure 24 - Seen or Heard Information Regarding Preventing Water Pollution

Residents that recalled seeing or hearing pollution prevention information were asked to recall the source of the information in an open-ended format. The most frequently cited sources of information were the newspaper (29.3%) and television (27.0%).

Figure 25 - Source of Pollution Prevention Information
Figure 25 - Source of Pollution Prevention Information
Residents that recalled seeing or hearing information about how to prevent water pollution were next asked to indicate what they have done, if anything, to reduce the amount of pollution in creeks, lagoons, and the ocean.

Nearly one-quarter of residents that had been exposed to information indicated that they properly disposed of hazardous waste (24.6%) and 21.4 percent indicated that they have not done anything to reduce water pollution. Additional responses cited by at least ten percent of residents included: 17.2 percent recycled, 15.2 percent used a commercial car wash, 15.0 percent cleaned up trash at parks and beaches, and 13.1 percent used environmentally friendly soaps and pesticides.

Figure 26 - Action Taken Based on Pollution Prevention Information
Figure 26 - Action Taken Based on Pollution Prevention Information

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